Thursday, 11 December 2014

Tony Robins Money Mastery Rendered to 2 Pages

Summary of Anthony Robbins book Money: Master the Game – 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom. Tony Robins on the Essence of Money Mastery is Render by SpdRdng (speed readers) and condensed into just two pages of essentials.  Read this to see what it is all about.

 The summary

Althought Tony is talking about money mastery, he has interviewed many marketing experts including all of the top online marketers. His message is about being successful on all counts, it applies to hospitality and tourism as well as the financial industry. 

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Barbados Publishes New Blog Post on Gun Hill Lion & Signal Station

Barbados Tourism Encyclopedia new blog takes readers on a visit to the ancient garrison at Gun Hill, a heritage signal station and communication hub throughout the British occupation of Barbados.