Monday, 1 June 2015


This video is the first in the series of 17 videos in the upcoming series on Power marketing. Here Diego outlines why and how power marketing works. In the series he delves deep into common marketing mistakes that we all make and how to fix them.

It covers remarkably simple and effective strategies for website design that engages and converts more bookings.

Power Marketing Secrets - The Series begins

More Choice Lowers Conversion - MARKHAT.COM

Psychologists Sheena Iyengar and Mark Lepper, prove that less ican be more when shopping choices and bookings conversion. In the famous research they illusrate howconsumers bought more when thy had lesschoices.

“With 24 flavors, 60% of the store’s customers stopped to taste test and 3% of the tasters bought jam. With six flavors, 40% of the store’s customers stopped to taste test, but 30% of those tasters bought jam. Customers were ten times more likely to buy when offered less flavors.” shows how consumers are 10 times more likely to buy when offered less choice. Blog offers 5 key things that hotels should make now!

This articles looks at the findings and offer 5 constructive tip that will optimize booking and increase the preformace of hotel and tourism websites as sales funnels.