Monday, 27 October 2014

TravelersInsights Reviews Barbados Holidays Package for Independent Travelers

TravelersInsights has published a new blog on “Barbados Lifestyle Holidays” for the independent-minded traveler. The blog provides details of the exceptional value of the package and reviews how it lives up to its promise.

Why In-Post Advertising Sucks

THios post goes deeper into the issue first documents on post

YouTube Video on Why In-Post ads Suck 

This short video was added so that we could explore more in-depth just what is happening with social media advertising.  It shows how  social in post advertising is now appearing on users post as social networks start to use the vast content that users have developed for them. Some Social Sites reward users for their content but many do not. The  post on SocialIndexEngine explore why in-post adverting is bad for users.

See original post and analysis see SocialIndexEngine