St. Nicholas Abbey, the last standing Jacobean Sugar Plantation in the world, is now a formal part of the Barbados Tourism Encyclopedia promotion for independent holidays. The promo is a project of the BTE, TravelersInsights magazine and Settlers Beach Villa Hotel. In this venture, Settlers Beach is sponsoring the St. Nicholas Abbey tour as part of its new Beach Villa heritage package.
See You tube video on St. Nicholas Abbey Tour and Villa Holiday Package
TravelersInsights magazine on the ScribD offers the latest tips for independent travelers and a coupon on luxury beach villa holiday
Ian R Clayton CEO of Traveles Insights magazine says "We are pleased to have this issue in the ScribD network, as their readers represent a lot on independent minded travelers, who will really appreciate this issue of TI."
He adds "ScribD readers have logged 17 million hours of reading time and its network is growing daily. It has over 80 million readers from 100 countries with a library of more than 100,000 subscriptions and books from 900+ publishers."
It is a leader in independent online subscriptions covering 60 million documents from court filings to business presentations and from academic papers from scholars around the world to travel magazine of every destination. (TI) magazine features articles, personal stories and insights on people and culture in the worlds leading world heritage destination. This TI issue for independent travelers, looks at self catering luxury accommodation and features Settlers beach hotel. Settlers offer all TI reader a significant discount. Just grab the mag on ScribD to get the full details and save hundreds of dollars on a luxury villa vacation.
Travelocity Gnome will travel. In fact he is hot to trot What Happens to the Travelocity Brand Under Expedia Ownership? – Skift. The deal is done, Expedia now owns Travelocity! Read on to find out what implications that has for small hotels getting direct bookings. Its not looking like they will stop falling of search results any time soon.