Monday, 8 April 2019

The most interesting food van designs

All these truck are beautifully designed, and all serve one purpose. To provide great food to people who enjoy eating out.

Barbados Food Vans Fed by nature

Sonya believes we should be Fed by Nature. She is a vegan and is on a mission to help save our souls and the planet with a change in eating habits. Her plan is to roll out fed By Nature trucks over the Caribbean after a successful launch in Barbados- you can find her at the end of Rendezvous road at the car park behind the gas station

For the full story of Barbados food vans and mobile gourmets see

Barbados Food Vans - Jamaica Grill Interview

In this short interview of featured food van in Barbados, Chef Mark Dates shows us the fully out-fitted kitchen of his Jamaica grill. It's very much a family affair with days of preparation before he and his wife take to the road and sever visitors and a few locals. After an early rise to pack away the daily provisions its into the truck and off to Pebbles Beach to serve Jerk Chicken and other special grills.

See the full story about Barbados food van and trucks and meet other gourmets on wheels.