Thursday, 13 January 2011

TravelOnTheGo Mobi Marketing

We have completed our research and launched our travel on the go mobile website for travel brands. The website, which is best viewed with a Smartphone, is

The first question we asked was should we build mobile apps or mobile websites. That was really a no-brainer, because apps have no place replacing websites.

The Second Question was should we go with the crunch approach, rendering regular websites into tiny version of the same for mobile devices.

Thirdly we wondered should we use .mobi or .com. The .com  is most popular, but the Dotmobi has some special appeal. 

This last question is extensively documents in our hub page

We chose DotMobi and it has been the right decision on  a number of counts. Most notably is that .Mobi is a special directory within ICANN and thousands of Search Engines and Mobile Directories use the ICANN information on new dotmobi sites. 

We spent months planning our entry into the Smartphone market and our steps along the way are documents with Hub articles and our own website. 

SmartphoneTraveller is a great name but our research and trials indicated it was not the best name for our particular objectives in publishing travel brands to mobile phones. In effect, building SmartPhone enabled websites for travel brands. 

We needed a name that would be: Easy to recall, easy to type on a mobile keypad, would convey the intent and be a good name to represent travel suppliers, a good  name for Travel Brands and their mobile websites.

The aim of the campaign is to generate direct bookings for hotels and tourism operators from Smartphone travelers on the go and on their mobile phone anywhere and at anytime. measured up to the criteria very well. It is the brand we will share with our clients in building their websites and thier mobile marketing platform. forms an important part of this marketing. is the real website that describes the initiatives. It expands beyond the concept of the marketing and covers details of the entire platform and technology integration. It will also be a consumer focus for our travel publishing. Look to SmartPhone Traveller marketing for travel stories, guides and travel advice in the future. We will have insightful travel stories of destinations and our own travel experiences with the SmartphoneTraveller in our pocket.

TravelOnTheGo.Mobi is the brand now registered in the ICANN directory which is so widely used by the industry. It is the directory and search engine that will promote the hotels and tourism operators that subscribe to our  SmartphoneTraveller marketing platform.

Signing up to the marketing service and the smartphone website is easy with arcRes publisher. Details and features are on our real website at 


We help hotel and tourism clients enter details into arcRes. arcRes publishes this info out to the TravelOnTheGo Mobile marketing directories, mobile advertising sites and mobile travel portals and applications.

arcRes also creates a personal Branded website for each member hotel and tourism partner. It is a personal mobile website with 12 pages of information and a booking engine for the brand. It may be linked from existing websites. The regular website may also be coded to know when a Smartphone is viewing it and to automatically redirect to the appropriate display.

Travel On The Go Brand website are also promoted by the directory listing and arcRes powered marketing to on multiple channels, to Smartphone travelers and regular Internet users. 

A search on Google desktop or mobile will display the TravelOnTheGo  Mobi directory along with hotels that are linked to it.

The first phase of our marketing was target for hotel and accommodation. Restaurants, car rentals and tourism will follow. The search features are being expanding to include search filters and category listing. In other words, a SmartPhone Traveler will be able to filter the display by a number of parameters, such as family hotels, romance etc as well as features, rates and special promotions.

Mobile Directory

Need more information

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

New View of Social Engagement Turns Tradition Upside-Down

In researching for our Hubpage on Facebook as a Travel Platform, I came across Simon Sinek. Simon talks about the Golden Circle on YouTube and his blog dealing with this topic. He has studied great people and great successes, from the Wright Brothers who beat all odds to fly, to modern-day Apple Computers who dared to be different.

His conclusion turns tradition on its head. Rather than talk about what they do, successful people are motivated by a passion for why they do it.

Talk about WHY you do what you do, and you are talking about the passion you have for what you do. Passion engages, and people engage with people who believe what they believe. Share a passion with a like mind, and you engage without pretext.

See our hub and Simons Sinek Video on the Golden Circle at Facebook Travel Platform & Business model